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specialist in spare parts for diesel engines


Expert Diesel (ED) guarantees that its products are free from defects on material, design and workmanship. This warranty is valid for six months from the date of the invoice issued by ED provided that ED products are correctly installed on properly serviced machine.
Should a claim arise, the Customer shall send any technical documentation, including photographs of the item considered defected, and any information that provide evidences for the claim. No item shall be returned for inspection unless ED has given its authorization in writing.
If the claim proves valid, ED shall either credit the customer with the cost of the defected item as previously invoiced or replace the defected item with a new ED item free from defects.
ED cannot be held responsible for any damages caused by its products to person or personal property, for further costs of installation and/or removal of said products, for any other damages to other material and for any other consequential material or moral damages related to the defected item.
This warranty is for ED direct Customers only and cannot be extended to third parties.